Hifumi Kono, game director dei primi due Clock Tower per SNES e PlayStation, ha annunciato che unirà le forze con Masahiro Ito, monster designer del primo Silent Hill e art director del secondo e del terzo capitolo della serie, e Takashi Shimizu, regista di Ju-On e del suo remake occidentale The Grudge, per realizzare Project Scissors, seguito spirituale di Clock Tower, che sarà rilasciato nel 2015 in occasione del ventesimo anniversario del titolo originale (uscito il 14 settembre 1995).

QuoteThe game’s setting is aboard a luxurious cruise liner in the middle of the ocean. As the ship sails across the deep blue ocean, a series of gruesome and mysterious murders begins to take place, including those of the ship’s crew. Soon the ocean liner is crippled and adrift at sea, and has become an inescapable trap for the passengers. As a passenger of the ship, the player will be tasked with solving the murder mystery to ensure their own survival as well as the rest of the ‘innocent’ passengers.
