Twitch vieta gli abbigliamenti troppo provocanti in webcam


Twitch ha deciso di vietare chi si mostra in maniera troppo provocante in webcam:


Nerds are sexy, and you’re all magnificent, beautiful creatures, but let’s try and keep this about the games, shall we?

Wearing no clothing or sexually suggestive clothing – including lingerie, swimsuits, pasties, and undergarments – is prohibited, as well as any full nude torsos, which applies to both male and female broadcasters. You may have a great six-pack, but that’s better shared on the beach during a 2-on-2 volleyball game blasting "Playing with the Boys."

We sell t-shirts, and those are always acceptable. #Kappa

Una delle prime vittime è stata tale Meg Turney

…che ha segnalato la cosa su Twitter:

Io dico solo: :'(


Uhm, sarà mica che twitch in mano ai cattolici? dammit, lo sapevo…

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